Hailey Traut Hailey Traut

Are my Symptoms Really Anxiety?

When a patient presents with symptoms like chest pain, dizziness, fatigue, nausea or heart palpitations, it’s not uncommon for a diagnosis of anxiety to quickly follow. Anxiety disorders, due to their nonspecific symptoms that overlap with other medical conditions are frequently misdiagnosed​. This is especially true for women, minorities and younger adults, who are more likely to have their concerns dismissed as “just stress” or “anxiety”…

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Hailey Traut Hailey Traut

Common Causes of Chronic Bloating

Bloating is one of the most common concerns that I see in my practice. Sometimes patients come in wanting help with their chronic bloating and other times it’s an additional piece to the puzzle that’s discovered during our consultation. Either way, it’s important to get to the root cause of bloating as it’s typically just one symptom of a much larger picture.

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Hailey Traut Hailey Traut

Heavy Metal Exposure in Firefighters

It’s not breaking news that firefighters are modern-day heroes, rushing into danger to protect our lives and property. Beyond the obvious dangers however, their line of work exposes them to additional hidden hazards at every single fire they go into. This includes sneaky heavy metals that can became quite toxic if these levels build up in the body. These metals are released into the air as fumes, vapors, or particulate matter during fires, putting firefighters at risk of inhalation and skin exposure.

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Hailey Traut Hailey Traut

Demystifying Chronic Gut Issues

Despite the escalating prevalence of digestive issues, there remains a disconcerting trend within the medical system to overlook or trivialize these concerns. In an era marked by an abundance of processed foods, environmental toxins, and heightened stress levels, gastrointestinal ailments have become increasingly commonplace. However, the gravity of these conditions is often underestimated or dismissed, leading to inadequate diagnosis and treatment.

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Hailey Traut Hailey Traut

Through the Healthcare Looking Glass: Redefining What Health REALLY Means

In today’s modern society, there's a concerning normalization of feeling fatigued and unwell as an inevitable consequence of the fast-paced, high-stress lifestyle that many people lead. The relentless pursuit of productivity often takes precedence over prioritizing health and well-being, leading individuals to dismiss their fatigue as a natural part of daily life.

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Hailey Traut Hailey Traut

Acne: Diving Deep Below the Surface

What causes acne? That’s a question I must have Googled 100 times as a teenager. I started getting acne at 12 years old and I used to get so frustrated seeing all my friends with their clear skin, wondering why mine wasn’t the same. Going to any type of event was stressful and I used to spend hours trying to cover all my acne up.

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Hailey Traut Hailey Traut

Revitalize and Rejuvenate: Cosmetic Acupuncture

Cosmetic acupuncture has become very popular in the last couple of years and for good reason! It provides a relaxing and natural alternative to botox injections and can be used to promote hydration in the skin, reduce acne scars, reduce fine lines and wrinkles and even out skin tone.

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