Revitalize and Rejuvenate: Cosmetic Acupuncture

Cosmetic acupuncture has become very popular in the last couple of years and for good reason! It provides a relaxing and natural alternative to botox injections and can be used to promote hydration in the skin, reduce acne scars, reduce fine lines and wrinkles and even out skin tone. Cosmetic acupuncture works by creating small areas of “micro trauma” and this signals your body to increase circulation, as well as increase collagen and elastin. Additionally, needles can be placed in appropriate motor points. This sends a signal to your muscles to tighten, resulting in a gentle lifting of the facial skin. It can even be combined with facial massage, lymphatic drainage support and cooling facial rollers for the ultimate facial rejuvenation experience.


Wondering if this treatment is right for you?

If you have any of the following symptoms or concerns, you could benefit from cosmetic acupuncture:

·      Fine line and wrinkles

·      Acne scars

·      Uneven skin tone

·      Dry skin

·      Anti-aging concerns or prevention


What to Expect from your Cosmetic Acupuncture and Facial Rejuvenation?

A treatment lasts 45 minutes and involves thin needles placed strategically around the face and head. In my practice, I use fine needles to target the muscles around the face and very small fine needles placed along the face. These needles are so delicate that they are placed and removed with tweezers. The needles target muscles and soft tissues around the eyes, mouth, hairline, chin and jawline. Additionally, I incorporate Traditional Chinese Medicine points for overall relaxation.

Dr. Hailey Traut ND

Health Rediscovered. Healthcare Redefined.


Acne: Diving Deep Below the Surface