1:1 Consultations

If you’re looking for a plan that is tailored to your specific health goals, a 1:1 wellness consultation might be the right step for you.

Your initial consultation includes:

  • A 60 minute thorough intake where we do a deep dive into your health and health-related goals.

  • A physical health assessment: blood pressure, pulse, oxygen saturation, cardiac and lung function

  • A comprehensive wellness plan that may include relevant indicated bloodwork, nutrition and lifestyle recommendations, sleep support, gut health recommendations, mood support and any immediate supplements if we are targeting specific goals.

Your healthcare deserves TIME. With that in mind, your wellness plan arrives 48 hours post-consultation as I take the time you deserve to have a carefully constructed and well-researched plan. I will work with you in a judgement-free environment to create a wellness plan that is REALISTIC and OBTAINABLE.

Still not sure if this is right for you? To ensure you find the right fit for you and your health goals, I offer FREE 15 minute consultations.


IgG Food Sensitivity Testing

GI MAP (stool microbiome) Testing

Hair Toxin Analysis

Comprehensive Bloodwork:

  • Hormones: thyroid, estradiol, progesterone testosterone, cortisol

  • Common Deficiencies: iron, vitamin B12, vitamin D

  • Inflammatory markers: CRP, ESR

  • Diabetes screen: HbA1c, fasting glucose

  • Cholesterol: lipid panel

  • Metabolic screen (weight gain): insulin


Cosmetic acupuncture & Facial Rejuvination

Cosmetic Acupuncture is used to promote skin hydration, reduce acne scars, reduce fine lines and wrinkles and even out skin tone. It works by creating small areas of “micro trauma” and this signals your body to increase circulation, as well as increase collagen and elastin. Additional needles can be placed in appropriate motor points. This sends a signal to your muscles to tighten, resulting in a gentle lifting of the facial skin. It can even be combined with facial massage, lymphatic drainage support and cooling facial rollers for the ultimate facial rejuvenation experience.

If you have any of the following concerns, cosmetic acupuncture might be a great option for you:

  • Fine line and wrinkles

  • Acne scars

  • Uneven skin tone

  • Dry skin

  • Anti-aging concerns or prevention

Post-acupuncture, all treatments include a cooling Quartz roller to promote circulation and soothe skin, as well as Skin Essence Facial Oils to lock in hydration.

Additional Services

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) Acupuncture: Based on your symptom picture, needles are placed into specific points along energy or meridian channels. This helps remove blockages and allow the smooth flow of energy (Qi) throughout the body, promoting harmony and balance.