What is Naturopathic Medicine

Naturopathic Medicine is centred around finding the root cause or causes of illness and using the least invasive treatment methods to address this. However, Naturopathic Medicine can be practiced differently depending on the Naturopathic Doctor you choose to see.


I approach every patient from a functional medicine perspective. This means that my practice is patient-centred, individualized and my treatments are science based. I work with your medical doctor or medical team to provide you with the best circle of care possible.

Are Naturopathic Consults covered by OHIP?

Naturopathic consultations are not covered by OHIP but the vast majority of insurance companies offer coverage for Naturopathic services. The specific coverage amounts vary between insurance companies and it’s always best to check with your insurance provider.


Can Naturopathic Doctors send me for bloodwork, imaging or to a specialist?

Naturopathic Doctors can provide you with a requisition for bloodwork but it is not covered by OHIP. Naturopathic Doctors cannot at this time provide a referral to specialists or provide a requisition for imaging (ultrasound, MRI etc.).