Health rediscovered
healthcare redefined
“Our gut is home to a diverse ecosystem that directly impacts our digestion, nutrient absorption, day-to-day energy, inflammatory levels, immune system, mood regulation and even metabolism.”
WORK WITH Dr. Hailey
I have a general family practice in the Niagara Region with extensive expertise in gut health.
Conditions I can help you with include:
IBS, chronic bloating, loose stools, constipation
Heartburn, abdominal pain & cramping
Microbiome dysbiosis: SIBO/yeast overgrowth
Autoimmune Conditions including IBD
Hypothyroidism and other thyroid Disorders
Chronic fatigue or low energy
Skin: Eczema, Psoriasis, Acne, Rashes
Stubborn Weight Gain
Adrenal Fatigue: suboptimal cortisol levels
Hormone Imbalances: estrogen and progesterone
naturopathic doctor, educator & COACH
redefining the definition of health.
In our modern society, we have strayed too far from what is considered “normal”. Far too often, I hear my patients tell me that the way they feel is just normal for them or that they have been told their symptoms are normal. As your Naturopathic Doctor, I am here to help you look beyond “normal”.
In my practice, we are pushing the boundaries of what is considered healthcare.
We are Healthcare Redefined.
With my patients we address:
GUT HEALTH: supporting optimal digestion & absorption, addressing the microbiome and leaky gut syndrome
Nutrition: hydration, macronutrients, nutrient deficiencies
Lifestyle: sleep, movement
Mental/emotional: stress support, addressing cortisol, healthy mood (neurotransmitter production)
Hormones: hormonal balance (estrogen, progesterone), healthy thyroid gland function
Bloodwork: routine screening; root-cause identification, determining a baseline for YOU
Additional diagnostics: urine testing, stool testing